I’m still here

Bare with me as I'm not good at being vulnerable...

These past few years have been tough. Life has been crazy and as usual I've bitten off more then I can chew. Although my posts are infrequent, my events die down by winter time and my website is still incomplete, I'm still doing my best to power through.

Along with entrepreneurship and working on a brand and product that I live for, I've started to loose my sense of self.

You associate yourself with the brand and if you hit bumps in your path, you feel those bumps more then people may realize.

My mental health the last while has declined. This is a struggle that I've been dealing with all my life and some days just feel harder then others but lately they just feel hard. Because of this, I'm not producing the way I envisioned I would.

So while I keep battling on to get to where I want to and need to (business and personal), just remember there is always a person behind a small business and they are doing their best.

#yegentrepreneur #yegshoplocal #yegsmallbiz #yegmarket #glutenfreeedmonton #glutenfree #glutenfreeyeg #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness


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